Broader Experiences, Broader Minds


Did you know that Gordonstoun:

  • Is the only school that has Sail Training as part of its curriculum?
  • Has its own Fire Service because service to the local community is another core part of Gordonstoun’s working week?
  • Is the birth place of both the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and the Outward Bound movement?

All of these activities which take place outside the classroom inform and support the activities inside the classroom, enabling Gordonstoun students to fulfil their academic potential.  Who would have thought that expeditions to the Scottish Highlands reach a finish line of universities and colleges all over the world?

The Gordonstoun International Summer School (GISS) has run every summer for the last 40 years, welcoming children aged 8 to 16 from over 35 countries.  This is an incredible opportunity to experience three weeks of academic study combined with adventure, sailing, sport, music, drama and much more – all combined into a programme where students come together to learn, have fun, have their horizons broadened and make friends.

For more details please see: and

Come and meet Gordonstoun & GISS at BESSA 2017!