In Loco Parentis


All boarding schools require a UK based guardian for overseas students. Who will accept full responsibility of guardianship for your child during their studies in England?

Hmmm. There’s Uncle Bob but he’s too far away (and a bit wacky), granny is rather frail and friends are too preoccupied with their own offspring to worry about yours. There is a solution in the form of paid guardians, many of whom have been looking after Britain’s foreign and expatriate boarding school contingent for years now.

Although the term “paid guardian” might make some parents cringe, guardianship services have become more professional, thanks largely to the Association of Educational Guardians for International Students (AEGIS). It provides quality control and assurance by having accredited members follow a standard code of practice.

AEGIS requires that guardianship organisations provide the highest standards of welfare and pastoral care. A rigorous inspection process includes scrutiny of procedures at the organisation’s head office and inspectors visiting appointed guardians in their homes. Alpha Plus Guardians are one of the longest established guardianship providers in the UK and look after students attending more than fifty schools all over England.

Come and meet Alpha Plus Guardians at BESSA 2017!