A Leader in Women’s Education


Wycombe Abbey School was founded in 1896 by Dame Frances Dove, a keen feminist and pioneer of girls’ education. She believed that girls should be taught corporate virtues, a sense of discipline and esprit de corps. Wide interests were to be encouraged and character developed through team games. Service to God and man was a cornerstone principle, practiced through chapel life and charitable work.

In the school’s 120th year, Headmistress Rhiannon Wilkinson continues to champion the education of women in the 21st century: “If women are to lead, they need to stand up for themselves. They need to burst out of their comfort zones. They need to find the courage to put their good intentions into practice”.

How does the school facilitate this?
– Being committed to full boarding.
– Celebrating the female perspective through an all girls environment.
– Instilling leadership and responsibility through mixed age dorms and boarding houses.
– Extra-curricular activities sans pareil.
– Investing in a strong Sixth Form, with specialist support for UK and US university applications, targeted tutoring for Medicine, Vet Science, Law, Engineering, work experience opportunities, internships and an enrichment programme of leadership conferences, a weekly lecture series and careers seminars.
– Finishing at 18 with a final year in Clarence, a house where girls bridge the gap between school and university: individual study bedrooms, kitchens, no school uniform and more relaxed living arrangements.

Come and find out more about Wycombe Abbey at BESSA 2016!